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Integrated Therapies: Autism Hub from HPS

Psychology - Speech and Language Pathology - Occupational Therapy - Physical Therapy


The Value of a Diagnosis

The value of a diagnosis depends upon the age of the person pursuing a diagnosis. There are many benefits to receiving an Autism diagnosis:

  • The most important thing about receiving a diagnosis is greater understanding and acceptance of self.  

  • Depending on age of child, a diagnosis may provide access to funding supports for interventions and technologies

  • Early diagnosis allows for early interventions, which improves outcomes across the lifespan

  • Learning supports in the educational system from preschool to university

  • Provides access to workplace supports and understanding by employers

  • Protect against the development of comorbid diagnosis such as anxiety and depression that commonly occurs when undiagnosed neurodivergent people spend much time masking, struggling with independence skills or feeling as though they are failing in relationships or education

Diagnostic Process

Trying to decide if you want to move forward with a diagnostic assessment?

  1. Meet with  a Psychologist or Provisional Psychologist to complete an Initial Consultation appointment to learn more about the risks and benefits of pursuing a diagnosis, as well as the process and costs associated. 

  2. After this appointment, an accurate quote can be provided as well as a timeline for completion of assessments needed for the diagnostic process.


If you decides to move forward with the assessment, these are the next steps:

  1. Families provide any available historic assessments or medical documents

  2. Family, observer and self clinical assessment tools are completed

  3. Complete assessments necessary for the ASD diagnostic process as well as identifying other possible comorbid diagnosis

  4. Multidisciplinary Team consultation to review results of all assessments 

  5. Debrief of assessments results with the family. A summary sheet is provided on the date of the debrief, and a full report with recommendations will be sent out a few weeks later


The Assessment Battery

  • The assessment battery is chosen based upon the presenting queries, the age of the client and previous, valid assessments that may be referenced as part of the diagnostic process. 

    • ADOS-2 and ADI-R are utilized to assess the frequency of autistic characterisics

    • Cognitive assessment

    • Social Language assessment

    • Sensory & Motor assessment

    • Clinical psychology observer and self-report measures

Next Steps After Diagnosis

  • Depending upon the age of the autistic person and the province in which they live, an early step is to apply for funding supports 

  • Share the diagnosis with medical and educational teams as well as any other people or agencies involved with the autistic individual. *The results are your private health information; you do not have to share this information unless you choose too*


Book an Initial Consult

To book inquire about an initial consult please call 780-870-7227 or email

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